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UBS’s Elaborate Program to Defraud the United States
June 9th, 2009
If ever there was doubt about the role that banks actively play in tax evasion, the following article has laid it to rest. An article published by Bloomberg this week shares the thoughts of Bradley Birkenfeld, a former UBS private banker and admitted felon. From Bloomberg:

“This was a massive machine,” Birkenfeld told Senate investigators on Oct. 11, 2007. He said UBS bankers crisscrossed the U.S. -- without required licensing from the Securities and Exchange Commission -- to find wealthy American customers...

As many as 60 UBS private bankers trolled for clients at UBS-sponsored...

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“One of the Largest Tax Fraud Schemes Ever Uncovered in this Country”
June 5th, 2009
The US government has brought charges against 3 individuals involved in a $1.3 billion tax fraud scheme. From the Los Angeles Times:

Two principals of defunct Seattle investment management firm Quellos Group and a Los Angeles lawyer were indicted in a tax shelter scheme that allegedly created more than $1.3 billion in fraudulent losses for prominent clients, including media mogul and billionaire investor Haim Saban.

The operation was "one of the largest tax fraud schemes ever uncovered in this country," U.S. Atty. Jeffrey C. Sullivan in Seattle said Thursday.

The article continues:

The indictment names...

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