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U.S. Justice Dept. says no plans to drop UBS case
June 23rd, 2009
The Justice Department may drop a closely watched legal case aimed at forcing the Swiss bank UBS to divulge the names of 52,000 wealthy American clients suspected of offshore tax evasion, a United States official briefed on the matter said Monday. The move, which would halt an unusually aggressive effort to force Switzerland to lift its veil of banking secrecy, could happen by mid-July.
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US Tax Spat Returns UBS To Spotlight As Swiss, US Seek Pact
June 16th, 2009
ZURICH (Dow Jones)--UBS AG (UBS) was again at the center of relations between Switzerland and the U.S. Tuesday as the two countries launched talks aimed at agreeing a double-tax treaty which experts say could have implications for the Swiss bank's ongoing legal battle with the Internal Revenue Service.
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