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U.S., Swiss Strike Deal on Bank Accounts
August 13th, 2009
Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce CEO Martin Naville, Global Financial Integrity Program Legislative Director Heather Lowe and Campaign for Liberty Senior Vice President Jesse Benton on the U.S. striking a deal to get the names of some holders of secret Swiss bank accounts in an effort to get more tax revenue.
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US, Swiss keep deal on secret accounts under wraps
August 12th, 2009
MIAMI — The Swiss and U.S. governments announced a deal Wednesday to settle American demands for the identities of suspected tax dodgers, despite Switzerland's vaunted bank secrecy. But they kept all details under wraps, including how many of the 52,000 names sought by the IRS from banking giant UBS AG will be revealed.
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US and Swiss Initial a Settlement in UBS Case
August 12th, 2009
It's just been reported that US and Swiss governmnet authorities have initialed a settlement that would bring about an end to the UBS legal saga. According to the Washington Post:

In a conference call Wednesday morning with the federal judge presiding over the case, Justice Department lawyer Stuart D. Gibson said the parties had initialed agreements and that they would ask the judge to dismiss the matter when the final documents are signed.

Terms of the deal were not immediately disclosed, leaving unclear what each side gained or conceded.

So we still...
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