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Endemic Corruption in and Illicit Flows from Russia
January 20th, 2011
New Global Financial Integrity Report Reveals Russia is Losing US$50 Billion Annually in Illicit Outflows
Recent news from Russia confirms that corruption is a serious issue that, unless curbed, can prevent the country from emerging as a global economic powerhouse. Corruption in Russia has been a hangover from the Soviet Union days. It is just that the forces of globalization have provided old hands and the up-and-coming younger generation of Russians with unprecedented opportunities to make money under the table. Of course, the exponential increase in Russia’s natural resource exports (such as petroleum products and natural gas) has...
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New Report Measures the Cost of Crime, Corruption, and Trade Mispricing on Developing Countries
January 18th, 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) released its annual analysis of the cost of crime, corruption, and trade mispricing on developing countries today. The report, “Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2000-2009,” finds that approximately $6.5 trillion was removed from the developing world from 2000 through 2008. The report also examines illicit flows from Asia, which produced the largest portion of total outflows and makes projections for 2009. (Full report 3.35 MB, Tip Sheet 172KB)
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President of Tunisia Flees Country, Just Like All the Illegal Capital
January 15th, 2011
Forthcoming Report Finds North African Nation Loses $US1.16 Billion Annually in Illicit Financial Outflows
President Zine el-Abdine Ben Ali of Tunisia fled his country on Friday, and Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi has announced that he is now in charge. Tunisia is a country known for its oppressive government rule and, according to a BBC analysis, “human rights groups say the authorities tolerate no dissent, harassing government critics and rights activists.” Unrest among Tunisians has lead to deadly riots this month over unemployment and poor governance. According to the Associated Press at least 23 Continue Reading
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