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Stephen Colbert on HSBC
January 17th, 2013
Satirist Stephen Colbert dismantled HSBC on his show last night. He criticizes both HSBC for helping to launder tremendous amounts of drug money, helping to finance murder, and the U.S. government for treating them as "Too Big to Jail." Below are two videos: the first shows Colbert directly addressing HSBC, and the second is an interview with Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi on the scandal.
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HSBC Deferred Prosecution Agreement: The Caymans Connection
January 2nd, 2013
HSBC Bank USA N.A. and HSBC Bank Holdings plc, its parent company, agreed to forfeiture and penalties of a little more than $1.9 billion dollars for systemic and willful violations of U.S. anti-money laundering and foreign sanctions laws. $1.9 billion may sounds like a lot, but does the penalty fit the crime?
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