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Greece Joins Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development Partnership Panel
October 22nd, 2010
WASHINGTON, DC—The Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development is pleased to announce that Greece will become the newest member of the Task Force’s Partnership Panel. Task Force Partnership Panel members include the Governments of Norway, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, the Canadian International Development Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, and the Ford Foundation.
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The Alpha, but Whither the Omega, of the Greek Crisis?
May 11th, 2010

Global Financial Integrity Lead Economist Dev Kar examines the role of illicit financial flows (IFFs) in the Greek debt crisis. IFFs cost Greece an estimated US$160 billion over the last decade.

Photograph by Simon Tong
Greece has been in the news a lot lately and as we all know, it has not been good news. By all accounts, the austerity measures being imposed on the population as a condition...
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