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Shell and ENI's billion dollar payment for Nigerian oil project could fall foul of anti-corruption laws
November 12th, 2012
LONDON - New information suggests that the US$1.1 billion paid by Shell and the Italian energy company ENI for a Nigerian oil block could fall foul of anti-corruption legislation and highlights the urgent need for strong disclosure laws across the EU. A directive being discussed by the EU Council and Parliament must require full “project-by-project” disclosure to ensure such payments are publicly reported.
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Global Witness condemns API lawsuit to strike down Dodd-Frank oil, gas and mining transparency provision
October 11th, 2012
LONDON - Global Witness is outraged by a lawsuit filed by the American Petroleum Institute (API), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and others to gut Section 1504, an important anti-corruption provision of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. (1) By seeking to nullify this provision, API, whose members include British Petroleum, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell, and other industry groups are demonstrating that they have something to hide. Any claims by API that they support transparency efforts are preposterous when they are not only trying to weaken the rules but to strike Section 1504 in its...
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“World’s favorite bank” HSBC “left U.S. vulnerable to dirty money”
July 17th, 2012
LONDON / WASHINGTON DC - According to the chair of a U.S. Senate subcommittee, HSBC’s “pervasively polluted” culture allowed money launderers, drug dealers and suspected terrorists to move their money through the U.S. financial system. Today, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) will hold a hearing exposing HSBC’s North American banking units alleged failure to curb financial crime, and the failure of banking regulators to address this.
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