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Global Witness Welcomes Landmark U.S. Effort to Curb Corruption and Promote Transparency
September 20th, 2011
WASHINGTON – The United States’ dual pledge to implement the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and to support legislation that would stop U.S. states from allowing secretive front companies to be set up represents an important step forward in the global fight against corruption and corporate secrecy, said campaign group Global Witness. Announced on Tuesday, September 20th by President Obama, these measures form key elements of the U.S. Open Government Partnership National Action Plan.
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Not Inevitable: Using Twitter to Change the Way We Think About the Resource Curse
September 14th, 2011
In college we studied the so-called “resource curse:” the tragic observation that countries well-endowed with natural resources tend to have slower economic growth and poorer development than those without. I remember, very clearly, that we studied this concept as though it were a truism—a common and (mostly) irreversible reality that just was. This theory has, in fact, been demonstrated very strongly in quantitative terms. According to an analysis of developing countries by Jeffrey Sachs and Andrew Warner, the more an economy relies on mineral wealth, the lower its growth rate. Of course, in my classes, we also studied the drivers...
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Libya's Oil Must Now Be Used To Drive Development And Foster Peace
August 24th, 2011
LONDON – With Colonel Gaddafi’s 42 year dictatorship apparently drawing to a close, the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) and supporting countries must put measures in place to guard against a Libyan “oil grab” and ensure the Libyan people benefit fully from the exploitation of Libya’s natural resources, said Global Witness today.
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