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GFI Hosts Briefing with Robert Morgenthau
September 1st, 2009
Global Financial Integrity is teaming with The American Interest to host Robert Morgenthau, New York District Attorney, for a briefing on the growing relationship between Iran and Venezuela. Titled "The Link between Iran and Venezuela: A Crisis in the Making?" the talk will be held on Tuesday, Septemeber 8 at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. Find out more and RSVP for the event here...
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Forbes Highlights Transfer Mispricing, GFI Data
August 28th, 2009
Forbes Magazine has published an excellent article today which highlights the massive problem of transfer mispricing and the risk it poses to shareholders. The article cites GFI Director Raymond Baker as well as GFI's Illicit Financial Flows report several times. From Forbes:

Shareholders in many of the world's leading multinational corporations face significant financial peril from a source few have probably ever thought about: transfer pricing.

So says Raymond Baker, director of Global Financial Integrity, a non-profit in Washington, D.C., that promotes policies aimed at curtailing the...

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