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Forbes Highlights Transfer Mispricing, GFI Data
August 28th, 2009
Forbes Magazine has published an excellent article today which highlights the massive problem of transfer mispricing and the risk it poses to shareholders. The article cites GFI Director Raymond Baker as well as GFI's Illicit Financial Flows report several times. From Forbes:

Shareholders in many of the world's leading multinational corporations face significant financial peril from a source few have probably ever thought about: transfer pricing.

So says Raymond Baker, director of Global Financial Integrity, a non-profit in Washington, D.C., that promotes policies aimed at curtailing the...

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U.S., Swiss Strike Deal on Bank Accounts
August 13th, 2009
Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce CEO Martin Naville, Global Financial Integrity Program Legislative Director Heather Lowe and Campaign for Liberty Senior Vice President Jesse Benton on the U.S. striking a deal to get the names of some holders of secret Swiss bank accounts in an effort to get more tax revenue.
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