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Inequality, not food shortages, to blame for food crisis
October 15th, 2010
CHRISTIAN AID—More than a billion people across the world will go to bed hungry on Saturday, the day the United Nations has designated World Food Day. The growing food crisis, which is leaving millions of people without enough to eat, has inequality at its root. Most markets have plenty of food, yet the price has risen beyond the reach of ordinary people.
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Raymond Baker Speaks at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre in Bergen
October 7th, 2010
Following the annual conference of the Task Force on Financial Integrity & Economic Development last week in Bergen, Norway, Global Financial Integrity Director Raymond Baker had the opportunity to give a lecture on the issue of illicit financial flows and the impact they have on development hosted by the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre and the Chr. Michelsen Institute at the the Bergen Resource Centre for International Development. Check out the full lecture below:
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