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Sarkozy & da Silva: Alliance for Change
July 7th, 2009
The summit meeting which is taking place in L’Aquila, Italy, at which the Group of 8 (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States) is joined by South Africa, Brazil, China, India, Mexico and Egypt, will be the first since we realized the extent of the financial and economic crisis we are facing.
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Sarkozy, Brown Push Against Tax Havens
July 6th, 2009
EVIAN, France (AP) -- The leaders of France and Britain pushed Monday for ambitious targets for tackling climate change and cracking down on uncooperative tax havens, ahead of upcoming meetings with other heads of state this week and in September.
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Statement of G8 Finance Ministers
June 13th, 2009
We, the G8 Finance Ministers, remain focused on addressing the ongoing global economic and financial crisis. We have taken forceful and coordinated action to stabilize the financial sector and provide stimulus to restore economic growth. There are signs of stabilization in our economies, including a recovery of stock markets, a decline in interest rate spreads, improved business and consumer confidence, but the situation remains uncertain and significant risks remain to economic and financial stability.
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