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The French / UK Summit: TIEAs and CbC
July 7th, 2009
Our good friend and Task Force member, Richard Murphy, has gotten ahold of the UK/France Summit Communiqué and points out some very exciting language. 1st - both countries acknowledge that 12 TIEA agreements to do not a clean jurisdiction make. And 2nd - both countries call on the OECD to look at the benefits of country-by-country reporting. From the communiqué (emphasis added by Richard Murphy):

France and the United Kingdom will also address the task of implementing the decision of the G20 concerning uncooperative jurisdictions and remain vigilant in ensuring that the...

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Sarkozy, Brown Push Against Tax Havens
July 6th, 2009
EVIAN, France (AP) -- The leaders of France and Britain pushed Monday for ambitious targets for tackling climate change and cracking down on uncooperative tax havens, ahead of upcoming meetings with other heads of state this week and in September.
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French Report on Stolen Assets from Developing Countries Cites Raymond Baker, GFI
June 25th, 2009
GFI Cited in French Study of Corruption, Developing Countries Global Financial Integrity, June 25, 2009 The French non-profit organization, Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development (CCFD), released a new report Wednesday on government corruption and stolen assets from developing countries. The report, “Biens mal acquis” or “Ill-Gotten Gains” extensively cites the work of Global Financial Integrity (GFI) and its director, Raymond Baker, on illicit financial flows and their impact on developing countries. The report presents a very precise inventory of the assets stolen by 30 heads of state during the past 50 years; ranging from such notorious figures as...
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