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Launch of the 2011 Financial Secrecy Index
October 3rd, 2011
Financial Secrecy Index – the G20’s broken promise October 4, 2011. Today we launch our 2011 Financial Secrecy Index, the biggest investigation of global financial secrecy in world history. It combines a secrecy score with a weighting to create a ranking of the countries that most aggressively provide secrecy in global finance. The new FSI, which follows our inaugural index of 60 jurisdictions published in 2009, considers 73 jurisdictions to reveal a world where most of the biggest suppliers of secrecy are either OECD countries, EU members, or their dependencies. Britain plays an especially prominent role. Secrecy is alive and well World...
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New League Table of World’s Most Secretive Tax Havens
November 1st, 2009
LONDON - A league table of the world’s most secretive tax havens has been compiled by campaigners seeking greater transparency about the operation of ‘offshore’ finance centres. The Financial Secrecy Index (FSI) analyses the level of secrecy each haven offers, and the extent of their reluctance to co-operate with other countries' tax authorities.
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USA #1 in Ranking of World’s Most Secretive Financial Jurisdictions
November 1st, 2009
WASHINGTON, DC -- According to a new analysis of financial jurisdictions prepared by UK-based civil society group Tax Justice Network, the state of Delaware is the most secretive financial jurisdiction in the world. Based on the laws and practices of 60 financial jurisdictions the Financial Secrecy Index (FSI) ranks jurisdictions according to their level of secrecy and the extent to which they cooperate with tax authorities in other countries.
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And the losers are . . .
October 31st, 2009
The results of the 2009 Financial Secrecy Index Finally, the time has come to reveal the names of the secrecy jurisdictions that we have ranked according to both their lack of transparency and their scale of cross-border financial activity. For the first time ever, and based on far, far stronger criteria than those used by the OECD, we can now announce the world’s leading secrecy jurisdictions. Nothing remotely like this has ever been done before. Our new index assesses each jurisdiction on an opacity rating – how secretive the jurisdiction is – combined with a weighting according to size. We...
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