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2016: A year for open government
May 9th, 2016
2016 is a big year for the open government movement, and recent revelations from the leaked Panama Papers will only serve to forward the transparency discussion further. As we’ve seen from the worldwide coverage, things like hidden company ownership and strict secrecy have fueled questionable links between world leaders and offshore jurisdictions. Luckily, from the
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Commission’s selective tax transparency proposal leaves most of the world in the dark
April 12th, 2016
Joint Media Reaction Oxfam EU – Financial Transparency Coalition – ActionAid EU –  Eurodad – Tax Justice Network – Africa BRUSSELS—The European Commission has missed yet another chance to effectively end tax havens, campaigners say. Today’s proposal on tax transparency limits public country-by-country reporting to the EU and an arbitrary list of tax havens. This
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Piecemeal transparency will not do
April 6th, 2016
The story of financial secrecy is finally trending. The latest leak, known as the Panama Papers, were published on Sunday and have given us a rare glimpse into the offshore financial system that’s so heavily shrouded in secrecy. But for months a different debate around financial transparency has been brewing in the European Union.
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ECOFIN agreement a missed chance, campaigners say
March 8th, 2016
PRESS RELEASE EU governments need to make tax more transparent, further opportunity looms ahead for lawmakers BRUSSELS—The Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), has agreed today on a proposal for corporate financial reporting, but despite increased pressure from European advocacy groups and policy-makers, the agreement would still keep country-by-country reports about the activities of multinationals
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