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MEPs Say Race To The Bottom Must Be Stopped Starting With Double Non-Taxation
September 28th, 2011
On the 22 September, the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) in the European Parliament passed a report containing both concrete measures and broader statements against the race to the bottom in European corporate taxation, citing the financial strain this is placing on European countries and their citizens. The EU is currently revising the parent-subsidiary directive, with the intention of preventing double or multiple taxation when the profits of a subsidiary are distributed to the parent company or companies. Too often such treaties effectively lead to double-non taxation. To address this the MEPs voted for an amendment to...
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Automatic Information Exchange or Banker’s Pet Scheme: Europe Remains Undecided
September 14th, 2011
In Germany, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) has come out against the deal. Meanwhile, the European Commission has also said it will have to assess the legality of the deals but has not taken a firm position. The final withholding tax concept, known as ‘Rubik,’ was initially formulated by the Association of Foreign Banks in Switzerland (AFBS) and by Swiss banks to protect banking secrecy against the international moves towards automatic tax information exchange, which followed the global financial crisis.
SPD Plans to Block Rubik Ratification in Germany
The SPD’s financial concept note published last Monday rejects the agreement with Switzerland. It is...
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