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The Tax Reforms Needed if Globalisation is to Work
January 31st, 2012
IPPR produced a report on globalisation last week. With a forward by Lord Mandelson the report was written by Will Straw and Alex Glennie. I admit I don’t agree with either Mandelson or Straw; they have a political perspective I don’t always share but this report has merit to it, as others have also noted since its publication. It represents a clear change of heart on Peter Mandelson’s part, and that I welcome.
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Country-by-Country Reporting in the EU: debating the case for full transparency
November 28th, 2011
EURODAD recently held a roundtable in the European Parliament on 21st November to launch its new report “Exposing the lost billions. How financial transparency by multinationals on a country-by-country basis can aid development." This report explains why under current accounting regulations it is so easy for multinational companies to dodge taxes and proposes full country-by-country reporting as a key solution.
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Eurodad and the Need for Transparency in Europe
November 22nd, 2011
I was delighted to talk at the launch of Eurodad’s new report – ‘Exposing the lost billions: How financial transparency by multinationals on a country by country basis can aid development‘ – last evening in the European Parliament. The report is on country-by-country reporting and is another major contribution to the debate now going on in Europe on this issue, and how far such reporting should go.
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