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India: a case of onions first, with a little help from country-by-country reporting
December 23rd, 2010
It seems right to juxtapose two articles in the FT over the last couple of days. First this:
Manmohan Singh, India’s prime minister, already under fire over a multibillion-dollar telecoms corruption scandal, suddenly has a more down-to-earth problem on his plate – the skyrocketing price of onions. Their price at India’s retail vegetable markets has doubled from Rs35 ($0.78) per kg to Rs80 in the past few days, angering consumers already feeling the pinch from a year of food price inflation and rising fuel prices.
And secondly this:
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Econophysics, the financial crisis, and the need for greater transparency
November 23rd, 2010
Whether or not our economy mirrors seismic activity, we still need financial transparency, explains Karly Curcio
Policy makers and economists around the world are being challenged with the question “what needs to be done to ensure the soundness of the global financial system?” Scholars are introducing non-traditional methods for attacking the question. Some economists say that traditional economic theory holds, and that the best approach is to allow for free markets with minimal regulatory distortions. Others argue that we must be open to an alternate paradigm. In a letter to George Soros, financier and founder of the Institute for...
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If financial services want to be ethical here’s what they have to do
October 4th, 2010
I’ve just blogged a letter sent to the FT by some of the leaders of the UK’s financial services industry in which they say:
If the only question is, “Is it legal and profitable?”, then all that matters is that what is done complies with the regulations in force and makes a profit for the seller and the institution they represent. At its most extreme this philosophy undermines any concern for the best interests of the customer, and subordinates these entirely to the pure self-interest of the seller in maximising profit as...
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Part 2: Illicit Inflows: Are They the Remedy for Illicit Outflows?
June 3rd, 2010

Global Financial Integrity Economist Devon Cartwright-Smith analyzes the relationship between illicit financial outflows and illicit financial inflows in developing economies in this two-part series.

Photograph by Ulrik De Wachter
Yesterday I posed the question of whether it is wise to subtract evidence of illicit inflows from illicit outflows (which are known to hinder developing country economies), as if one would cancel the other out. If billions of dollars...
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