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Global Witness Welcomes Landmark U.S. Effort to Curb Corruption and Promote Transparency
September 20th, 2011
WASHINGTON – The United States’ dual pledge to implement the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and to support legislation that would stop U.S. states from allowing secretive front companies to be set up represents an important step forward in the global fight against corruption and corporate secrecy, said campaign group Global Witness. Announced on Tuesday, September 20th by President Obama, these measures form key elements of the U.S. Open Government Partnership National Action Plan.
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DRC Moves on Resource Transparency, U.S. Lags
August 2nd, 2011
Last week, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart lampooned the failure to implement many elements of the Dodd-Frank Consumer Protection Act, even one year after the law's passage.  One of the most important elements awaiting approval is Section 1504 (also known as the Cardin-Lugar provision), which would require extractive industries to "Publish What they Pay" to governments in gaining access to the natural resources of a country, in order to prevent illegal activities and exploitation.  However, delays from the SEC prevent the regulations from actually being implemented.  Beyond the obvious humanitarian benefits, and improved economic competition that come with transparent...
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USAID Supports Strong Cardin-Lugar/1504 Rules in Letter to SEC
July 22nd, 2011
Assistant Administrator Eric Postel of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has sent a letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) supporting Section 1504, or the Cardin-Lugar provision, of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill. The "Publish What You Pay" provision, which has been significantly delayed, requires energy and mining companies registered with the SEC to report payments to foreign governments for the extraction of oil, gas, and minerals on a country-by-country basis.  Commenting on the positive effects of country-by-country reporting, Postel writes:
“Our overarching belief is that the enforcement of the proposed rules contributes towards U.S. Government...
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The Hill Features GFI's Danziger on Financial Transparency
July 15th, 2011
Yesterday, Monique Perry Danziger, Communications Director at Global Financial Integrity, had an op-ed featured in The Hill. Writing on the first anniversary of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, she covers both the importance of the SEC producing guidelines for the country-by-country reporting elements of the legislation (Section 1504), and the need to expand financial transparency through approval of the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act.
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