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G20’s push for growth in Seoul fails to protect the poor
November 17th, 2010
G20 leaders meeting in Seoul last week issued a lengthy communiqué accompanied by an annex fleshing out the “Seoul development consensus for shared growth.” The recognition that “there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ formula for development success and that developing countries must take the lead in designing and implementing development strategies” is a welcome one. However, the G20 call for “inclusive and sustainable growth” fails to provide concrete measures to ensure that poor people in poor countries reap the benefits of economic growth. The text fails to provide a specific plan to combat tax evasion by multinational companies and to...
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Task Force Members to Appear on Panel at the 14th International Anti-Corruption Conference in Bangkok
November 12th, 2010
Panel to Address the Immediate Civil Society Response to the G20 Seoul Summit Outcome BANGKOK, THAILAND – Several representatives from the Task Force on Financial Integrity & Economic Development will appear on a panel Saturday at the 14th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC). The four day gathering of world leaders, academics, civil society representatives and private-sector business executives--all addressing the issue of international corruption--comes to a close Saturday evening in Bangkok. Task Force representatives François Valérian of Transparency International (TI), Raymond Baker of Global Financial Integrity (GFI), and Robert Palmer of Global Witness will join a few other representatives of...
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Task Force: G20 Action on Development & Corruption Welcome, But More Transparency Needed
November 12th, 2010
The Task Force on Financial Integrity & Economic Development released the below statement earlier today in response to the outcome of the G20 Seoul Summit: SEOUL, KOREA – New plans from the G20 to tackle corruption and promote development are welcome commitments, said the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development (Task Force) following the conclusion of the G20 Summit in Seoul today. However, the group warned that key reforms were still missing. “The Seoul Development Consensus for Shared Growth, includes some innovative ideas like strengthening tax collection powers in...
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Conference: “Fighting illicit flows from developing countries. What next for the EU agenda?”
November 11th, 2010
Eurodad and the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development invite you to the conference “Fighting illicit flows from developing countries – what next for the EU agenda?” in Brussels on December 7th and 8th 2010. In the past few months, G20 leaders have expressed concern about the financial integrity of secrecy jurisdictions and the need to regulate them. In November 2009, they committed to ensuring that developing countries fully benefit from international measures to establish a more transparent and cooperative framework. In June 2010, EU Heads of State...
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