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T.I. to launch Global Corruption Report on the Private Sector
August 28th, 2009
Task Force member, Transparency International, has announced that it is launching a "wide-ranging review of corrupt practices in the private sector." From TI:

Transparency International (TI), a leading anti-corruption organisation, will launch a wide-ranging review of corrupt practices in the private sector, including bribery and undue influence, corporate fraud and cartels. New challenges for carbon trading markets, sovereign wealth funds and emerging economic powers in Asia and Latin America are also covered.

TI’s Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector features more than 75 experts examining the scale, scope...

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Former Sand & Gravel Subcontractor Sentenced to 5 Years After Conspiracy & Bribery Conviction
August 27th, 2009
WASHINGTON — A former sand and gravel subcontractor was sentenced today to serve five years in prison and to pay a $5,000 criminal fine by U.S. District Judge Carl J. Barbier after being convicted by a federal jury of conspiracy and bribery in connection with a $16 million hurricane protection project for the reconstruction a New Orleans levee, the Department of Justice announced today. The project involved the Lake Cataouatche Levee, which is south of New Orleans.
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