February 24th, 2012
CNBC aired it's new documentary, "Filthy Rich", for the first time last night. The documentary was the product of a year long investigation, and featured Task Force Coordinating Committee members Global Witness and Transparency International, as well as Allied Organization Equatorial Guinea Justice.
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February 14th, 2012
The new CNBC Documentary "Filthy Rich" will air on Thursday, February 23rd at 9 pm.
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February 3rd, 2012
A response to Ben Heinman's article on corruption in The Atlantic.
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February 1st, 2012
Last month, Transparency International released a study (via Corruption Currents) citing how Romania is susceptible to corruption. These conditions create a potential breeding ground for corruption that could not only adversely affect the Romanian Government, but the European Union as well. They focused on four major issues:
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