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Frank Vogl: Remarks at the Book Launch for Waging War on Corruption
October 8th, 2012
Thank you for coming to this launch of my new book. Most particular thanks to Raymond Baker and his colleagues at Global Financial Integrity for organizing and hosting this event. Raymond is one of the heroes of this book. His vision, his skill and his dynamism have made and continue to make an enormous contribution to public understanding of illicit financial flows. From that understanding springs action to reduce those flows – an absolutely vital requirement to curb corruption.
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100 Reporters Kleptocrat Watch Photo Contest
September 24th, 2012
100 Reporters, the cutting edge non-profit group of journalists focused on exposing corruption, is sponsoring a photography contest. Two years after Teodorin Obiang and the rest of the corrupt Equatorial Guinea regime were exposed for lavish spending in the United States, 100 Reporters is asking contestants for images of corruption in New York City, as world leaders gather at the United Nations.
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The Rising Price of Corn, Food Aid, and Corruption
September 12th, 2012
Every time I ride my bike by a corn field inOregon—full and glowing—I feel a little bit thankful. I am thankful for our mild summer heat, this year and others. Thankful forOregon’s efforts to create a more sustainable food system. And particularly thankful that I live in country where record high temperatures don’t affect my ability to feed myself. It’s not true everywhere. Record heat across the U.S. Midwest has battered corn crops, making it likely this year’s harvest will be one of the lowest in years—and sent prices soaring. As a result, consumers in the United States will have...
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