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How did Moldova lose $1 billion & where does transparency fit in?
May 15th, 2015
Moldova somehow lost $1 billion, and no one is quite sure where it went. The small country of Moldova, wedged between Ukraine and Romania, has dealt with a number of struggles over the past few decades, and it remains one of Europe’s poorest countries. Almost 40% of the country’s working age population works abroad, and nearly 30% of the
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How Anonymously Owned Companies Are Used To Rip Off Government Budgets
April 20th, 2015
Since the financial crisis, we have heard a lot about the revenue governments lose to tax avoidance and evasion, but what about the losses resulting from corruption of governments’ procurement processes? Around the world governments spend $9.5 trillion each year on public works, goods and services. It should be no surprise that fraudsters, and the corrupt, take
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Leaked HSBC Records Shed Light on Culture of Corruption in the International Banking System
February 9th, 2015
WASHINGTON, DC – Leaked HSBC documents revealed today by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) highlight a culture of corruption in the international banking system that goes far beyond the world’s second biggest bank, noted Global Financial Integrity (GFI), a Washington, DC-based research and advocacy organization. Featured Sunday evening on CBS News’ 60 Minutes program, the files allegedly highlight how the Swiss branch of the bank meticulously catered to some of the world’s biggest dictators and criminals, and they are but the latest example of a global bank gone rogue.
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TaxCast: November 2014
December 1st, 2014
The latest edition of TaxCast, produced by the Tax Justice Network, is here! The monthly podcast, produced by Naomi Fowler, focuses on tax, corruption and illicit flows. In this month's edition, Naomi speaks with the Director of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Action Centre, examines the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists' latest data drop, LuxLeaks, and much more.
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