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Financial Secrecy Index: new academic paper
May 21st, 2015
The Financial Secrecy Index is the Tax Justice Network’s flagship index of secrecy jurisdictions, or ‘tax havens’. The idea emerged from discussions at the World Social Forum in Nairobi, in January 2007. In part, it came from frustration with a popular view of corruption as a ‘poor country’ problem – when all the analysis of
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Adoption of AMLD Not an Endpoint, Citizens Want More Transparency
May 20th, 2015
Press Release for Immediate Release BRUSSELS—After months of negotiations, debate, and dialogue, the European Parliament has formally adopted the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD), setting the stage for a public discussion on what further measures are needed to combat tax evasion, money laundering, and other illicit flows. “While the final adoption of the text is
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