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Equatorial Guinea Calls Report ‘Blackmail’
July 10th, 2009
In response to a recent report from Human Rights Watch highlighting widespread corruption in the oil-rich nation of Equatorial Guinea, the country’s government has lashed back, calling such accusations by human rights groups “blackmail.”
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GFI Condemns Harassment of Cameroonian Journalist
July 6th, 2009
Task Force member Global Financial Integrity echoed the sentiments of other civil society organizations today, including Task Force member Tax Justice Network, in condemning the harassment of Cameroonian journalist Jean-Bosco Talle for his part in fighting corruption in the West African nation. From GFI's statement:

Following publication of the report “Biens mal acquis” or “Ill-Gotten Gains,” by the French non-profit organization Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development (CCFD) last month, Mr. Talla, editor of the Cameroonian newspaper Germinal, has been harassed and his life has been threatened. The report presents estimates for...

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