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Weathering the tempest of corporate fraud
July 21st, 2009
In the last year, industries across the board have experienced one of the most tumultuous markets in history. No industry, including oil and gas, has been immune from the economic downturn and potential pitfalls of fraud-related incidents. Today’s turbulent market has created the perfect storm for corporate fraud in the world of energy and other business sectors.
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Madoff’s Experience… Any Lesson for Nigeria?
July 20th, 2009
The recent conviction and sentence of an American billionaire, Bernard Madoff, to 150 years in prison for investment fraud may have again brought to the fore the need to strengthen Nigeria’s justice system in order to bring those who contravene the law, especially the rich to book. DAVIDSON IRIEKPEN writes.
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The Week’s FBI Crime Roundup
July 17th, 2009
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has released its roundup of the top ten stories of the week. Money-laundering, fraud, and bribery cases came in at numbers 5, 7, and 8. From the FBI:

5. Buffalo: Two People Charged in United Nations Fraud Case

A 14-count Indictment was unsealed charging Deborah Bowers and Steve Jabar with wire fraud, money laundering and making false statements in connection with a scheme to defraud the United Nations Development Fund for Women of tens of thousands of dollars. Full Story


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