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Jersey Mayors Stung in Graft Probe
July 24th, 2009
Wall Street Journal: New Jersey has never been short of corruption scandals, but the one that unfolded yesterday was surprising even by the standards of the state that inspired "The Sopranos."
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New Jersey Corruption Arrests
July 23rd, 2009
FBI agents have arrested several prominent high-profile political and religious leaders throughout the state of New Jersey over an alleged corruption ring. Kelly Wallace reports from Newark.
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IKEA and the Graft Factor
July 23rd, 2009
A decision of Swedish furniture retailer IKEA to suspend further investment in Russia because of corruption is a sign that business here is still fraught with risks for international investors. While President Dmitry Medvedev has taken a clear position on anti-corruption and introduced legislation to curb official bribery, the reality is that corruption continues on a massive scale in the economy and society. However, IKEA’s response to the corruption challenge — to reduce further investment rather than pull out altogether — suggests that the risks can be managed. International companies and governments have an important role to play in...
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