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New Website Takes Aim at 'Retail Bribery'
March 7th, 2012
he problem of required small scale bribery in order to receive basic services is endemic in many places around the world. This type of activity is often very difficult to wipe out, because of how pervasive is it on the micro-level. The New York Times covered one pair of web activists who are trying to make a difference on this front.
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Corruption threatens to prolong Greek crisis
February 29th, 2012
ATHENS - Efforts to reform and rebuild Greece’s economy in future will be undermined because the country’s government, businesses and civil servants not only fail to stop corruption but actively participate in it. The warning comes today from Transparency International Greece’s first ever assessment of the ability of important national institutions to fight corruption.
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OECD: Russia joins OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
February 24th, 2012
Russia today took a major step toward upholding international anti-bribery standards by depositing its instrument of accession to the OECD Convention at a ceremony at the OECD in Paris. OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría received Russia’s instrument of accession from First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Denisov and First Deputy Minister of Justice Fedorov. OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría received Russia’s instrument of accession from First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Denisov and First Deputy Minister of Justice Fedorov.
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Broad Coalition of 33 Civil Society and Socially Responsible Investment Leaders Call on Congress to Refrain from Introducing Legislation Amending FCPA
January 12th, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC – Earlier today more than 30 civil society and business groups, including human rights and anticorruption organizations, sent a letter to every member of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate expressing their opposition to any efforts to amend the world’s flagship anticorruption legislation, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
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