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New research shows how far we are from corporate ownership transparency
May 1st, 2012
The Open Government Partnership – 55 countries which all claim to want to be more transparent, effective and accountable – recently met in Brazil. Increasing corporate accountability is one of their five ‘grand challenges’. However new research by the information provision group OpenCorporates highlight the scale of the challenge: governments are not doing very well on making even the most basic of company details available, let alone the more detailed ownership information that’s actually required to prevent corrupt politicians, terrorists and arms traffickers from moving dirty money around the world.
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CNBC's New Documentary 'Filthy Rich'
February 24th, 2012
CNBC aired it's new documentary, "Filthy Rich", for the first time last night. The documentary was the product of a year long investigation, and featured Task Force Coordinating Committee members Global Witness and Transparency International, as well as Allied Organization Equatorial Guinea Justice.
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