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Tax Haven USA: New York Times Articles Expose Need to Abolish Anonymous U.S. Shell Companies
July 3rd, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC – Two recent articles published in The New York Timesexpose how criminals, terrorists, corrupt foreign politicians, and tax evaders abuse anonymous U.S. shell companies to launder their profits and impede law enforcement investigators, highlighting the need—says Global Financial Integrity (GFI)—for Congress to enact legislation requiring disclosure of the true (human) beneficial owners of corporations, trusts and foundations.
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Light-Bulb Moment: G20 Coming to Terms with Illicit Financial Flows, Commits to Automatic Exchange of Tax Information
June 20th, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) praised G20 leaders today for prominently focusing on the issue of illicit financial flows, committing to move toward the automatic exchange of tax information, and renewing the mandate of the Anti-Corruption Working Group for another two years, but expressed disappointment in the leaders’ failure to address the issue of anonymous shell companies.
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New Report: Global Witness Spotlight On Money Laundering, Secrecy Jurisdictions, And Shell Companies
June 18th, 2012
Task Force coordinating committee member Global Witness released Grave Secrecy today, a report telling the story of companies which were used to launder the proceeds of corruption, tax evasion and other crimes. The report shows how shell companies based the UK, Bulgaria, and New Zealand were used to launder corrupt money originating from Kyrgyzstan's AsiaUniversialBank.
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Global Witness calls for action to end hidden company ownership in light of money laundering accusations
June 17th, 2012
LONDON - Global Witness is today revealing evidence that numerous UK companies appear to have helped facilitate a major money laundering scandal centred on a bank in Central Asia. Grave Secrecy, launched today, shows how urgent action is needed to address the current ease with which the UK and other major economies are used to launder the proceeds of corruption, tax evasion and other crimes.
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