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Illicit Financial Flows: The Elephant in the Room at the EU-Africa Summit
April 2nd, 2014
EUAfricasummit(notext)This piece originally appeared on the websites of EurActiv and The Africa Report$35 million mansion in California, artwork totaling €18 million, and a $38 million dollar private jet. These sound like items purchased by the world’s wealthiest oligarchs, right? Well, they were actually acquired by Teodorin Obiang, son of President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea. When his father convenes with other leaders for this week’s EU-Africa summit, a wide range of topics will be covered. But there’s one issue in particular that should be given a loudspeaker during the talks in...
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Money laundering and sausages: the making of EU laws
March 20th, 2014
This article, written by the FTC’s EU campaigner, Koen Roovers, originally appeared on  There’s an old saying that the legislative process is a lot like making sausages – it’s confusing, messy, and you don’t really want to know how it’s done. The European institutions in Brussels, the butcher shop in this case, decide how
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