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Dreams do come true
August 21st, 2009
I’ve spent the last couple of days telling journalists and writing blogs saying that the US must go against the Swiss bankers and lawyers who have set up abusive arrangements for US residents. And USA Today has confirmed that is exactly what they’re doing:

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What next after UBS?
August 20th, 2009
So, the dust is settling. UBS has had to conceded, Swiss banking secrecy is seriously damaged, and now what? Senator Carl Levin, has I note said:

The UBS settlement is at most a modest advance in the effort to end bank secrecy abuses, tax haven bank misconduct, and the tax haven drain on the U.S. treasury. It will take a long time before we know whether this settlement will produce meaningful gains due to treaty procedures which are complex, depend upon the Swiss government to carry out, and open the door to potentially lengthy appeals.

In the meantime,...

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