December 12th, 2014
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December 10th, 2014
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December 3rd, 2014
We’ve been following the review of the European Anti-Money Laundering rules (AMLD) closely and reported on this
fascinating policy-making process before. One of our key campaigns, the need for more transparency around those that own and control companies—known as beneficial ownership disclosure—is among the most important changes that are up for consideration. With so-called trilogue negotiations (behind closed-door negotiations between European parliamentarians and diplomats), this reform is entering a crucial phase. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that the different sides of the negotiating table speak the same language when transparency is concerned.
A quick recap: in March, the European Parliament...
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December 3rd, 2014
In the wake of last month's
LuxLeaks investigation, the
G20's heavy focus on tax avoidance and evasion, and the ongoing
trilogue discussion in Europe over the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive, Ministers from Germany, France, and Italy have
issued a letter calling on greater harmonization and strategy in fighting against tax evasion and avoidance.
"This strong initiative taken by the EU, which could be proposed by the end of 2014, would give Europe the leading place it deserves at the international level," said the letter, signed by Germany's Wolfgang Schäuble, France's Michel Sapin and Italy's Pier Carlo...
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