

TUC Report: The Corporate Tax Gap
October 18th, 2010
A Trades Union Congress (TUC) Report Prepared by Richard J. Murphy LONDON—Despite being rescued by taxpayers during the crash, UK banks will avoid paying £19 billion of tax on future profits by offsetting their losses during the financial crisis against their tax bills. This is equivalent to more than £1,100 for every family in the
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Tax Research UK Briefing: Secrecy Jurisdictions
October 14th, 2010
This research briefing on secrecy jurisdictions from Tax Research UK–endorsed by the Tax Justice Network and the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development–is designed to briefly provide a clear insight into what secrecy jurisdictions are and what problems they cause.
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International Thief Thief: How British Banks Are Complicit In Nigerian Corruption
October 11th, 2010
A new report from Global Witness, a coordinating committee member of the Task Force on Financial Integrity & Economic Development, exposes British banks for facilitating corruption in Nigeria LONDON (Global Witness)—British high street banks have accepted millions of pounds in deposits from corrupt Nigerian politicians, raising serious questions about their commitment to tackling financial crime,
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2010 Revenue Watch Index: First Ranking Of Government Openness In Oil, Gas And Mining Management
October 6th, 2010
Brazil, Norway rated highest; United States 11th; Turkmenistan last WASHINGTON, D.C.—A pioneering new measurement of government public disclosure in managing oil, gas and minerals ranks Brazil and Norway highest among 41 countries for making public detailed information about these key resources, the Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) and Transparency International (TI) announced today. Russia, Mexico and
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