

Brookings: Foresight Africa, Top Priorities For The Continent In 2012
January 11th, 2012
This past year, Africa and the rest of the world witnessed many significant events that have created consequential challenges for the future of Africa and the global economy. Most notably, these included the economic slowdown in Europe and the United States, the Arab Spring in the Middle East and North Africa, instability and unrest in
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World Bank: How Corruption And Tax Evasion Distort Development
December 6th, 2011
When it comes to confronting the issue of  ill-gotten money (through corruption or tax evasion, for example) and its negative impact on development outcomes, we development professionals have often been guilty of tinkering at the edges of the problem, while avoiding confronting its root cause. Through recent work, we are attempting to rectify this dilemma.
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TJN: The Cost Of Tax Abuse
November 29th, 2011
Tax evasion is the illegal non-payment of tax to the government of a jurisdiction to which it is owed by a person, a company, trust, or other organisation who should be a taxpayer in that place. It is largely people’s desire to to evade taxes that creates most of the so called ‘shadow economy’ that
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Exposing The Lost Billions: How Financial Transparency By Multinationals On A Country By Country Basis Can Aid Development
November 23rd, 2011
The international community has repeatedly stressed the need to mobilise domestic resources in developing countries, as the most sustainable way of financing development and ending aid dependency. Yet, many developing countries are affected by a number of challenges that limit their capacity to collect taxes. One such challenge is multinational companies’ lack of accountability regarding their
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