

Keeping REDD++ Clean: A Step-By-Step Guide To Preventing Corruption
October 26th, 2012
This manual helps interested parties to understand and address corruption risks associated with forest carbon accounting – particularly REDD+ – programmes and strategies at the national level. Users will learn how to identify corruption risks and instruments to help address these risks within the development of national Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+)
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Greece: The Cost Of A Bribe
April 4th, 2012
The Greek debt crisis has left many of its citizens on the margins, presenting one of the greatest socio-economic upheavals in the nation’s recent history. With the effects of the crisis endemic and no immediate end in sight, it is important to understand some of the underlying causes of the failure, especially corruption. Petty corruption
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Tax Research UK: Closing The EU Tax Gap
February 29th, 2012
This report has three objectives. It: Explains the ways in which tax evasion occurs within and between EU member states; Estimates the total losses to EU Member State Treasuries arising from that evasion and tax avoidance; Identifies policy options, from the modest to the radical, for intensifying EU and Member State action against such abuse.
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The End Of Banking Secrecy? An Evaluation Of The G20 Tax Haven Crackdown
January 23rd, 2012
In August 2009, France and Switzerland amended their tax treaty. The new treaty stated that the two countries would from now on exchange upon request all information necessary for tax enforcement, including bank information otherwise protected by Swiss bank secrecy laws. In the following months, one of France’s richest persons and her wealth manager were taped discussing what to
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