

Briefing Paper: How The G20 Should Tackle Illicit Financial Flows
September 23rd, 2009
A new briefing paper, titled “The Links Between Tax Evasion and Corruption: How the G20 Should Tackle Illicit Financial Flows,” sent to the G20 from Christian Aid, Global Financial Integrity, Global Witness, and Tax Justice Network highlights what the G20 should do to address illicit financial flows.
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CCFD Report On Government Corruption And Stolen Assets From Developing Countries
June 24th, 2009
The French non-profit organization, Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development (CCFD), released a new report Wednesday on government corruption and stolen assets from developing countries.  The report, “Biens mal acquis” or “Ill-Gotten Gains” extensively cites the work of Task Force members Global Financial Integrity (GFI) and its director, Raymond Baker, on illicit financial flows
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2009 Progress Report On The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
June 23rd, 2009
From Transparency International: Major exporters failing to curb overseas bribery Political will is lacking, says new report on OECD Convention Berlin/Paris, 23 June 2009 The majority of the world’s leading exporting countries are failing to fully enforce a ban on foreign bribery, according to a report published today by Transparency International (TI). TI’s report shows
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TI Report: Transparency In Reporting On Anti-Corruption – A Report Of Corporate Practices
June 19th, 2009
From Transparency International: Most leading companies fall short of transparency expectations Leading, publicly listed companies around the world are far from demonstrating embedded anti-corruption practices in their operations, according to a report issued today by Transparency International (TI). While companies may often report high-level, strategic commitments to prevent corruption, they do not always provide meaningful
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