
2020 Bangkok – Boiling Point to Turning Point: The 8th Financial Transparency Conference


To be confirmed ASAP


It is 2020, yet an international consensus on what illicit financial flows are, and how they should be tackled is still to be reached. As states face a growing legitimacy and political crisis globally, developing countries continue to bear the most retrogressive impact of illicit finance on social justice, rights and intersecting inequalities.

Please register for this event here.

There has been an inherited geopolitical imbalance in how norms and rules on financial transparency and international tax are shaped. It is the smaller and least developed countries that remain particularly under-represented or inadequately resourced to represent themselves successfully at various international platforms. With the emerging challenges of taxing the digital economy, developing countries have found alternative grounds of support to challenge proposals put forth by the OECD. More importantly, where unilateral and uncoordinated actions by countries can make matters worse, hardened negotiation stances of the Global North have come at the expense of future cooperation.

How can the institutions charged with supporting multilateral and cooperative efforts plausibly hope to reform a system that is under the increasing strain of its own contradictions? Can an SDG and human rights lens contribute towards understanding the dynamics of illicit financial flows better?

For over a decade, the Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC) has been a platform for leading civil society organizations working together, through shared research, joint advocacy and pooled resources, to demand that IFFs are curtailed. The 8th international conference of the Financial Transparency Coalition will bring together civil society leaders, experts – from diverse fields including taxation, economics, corruption, human rights, anti-money laundering – to discuss the intertwined challenges facing institutions charged with leading the 2020 processes to address IFFs.

Conference Focus                                                                                            

The conference will be structured around three inter-related questions:

  • What are the key challenges to tackling IFFs for the next 5-10 years, following the culmination in 2020 of processes being led at the G20, OECD, and United Nations, and specifically how can cooperation on IFF issues be strengthened?
  • How can the obstacles to participation of different voices from the Global South in multilateral processes related to IFFs be overcome?
  • What steps are needed, by whom, and through what processes, to place human rights and gender equality at the heart of future multilateral discussions and agreements on IFFs?

Conference Objectives

  • Identify the markers of change in the international financial system over the next 5-10 years and the concrete actions required to achieve changes.
  • Facilitate the meaningful participation of different voices from the Global South in multilateral processes to challenge the international institutional architecture.
  • Establish and strengthen intermediary channels of support for underrepresented countries to effectively voice their concerns at international platforms.
  • Supporting on-going initiatives and developing well-rounded proposals for strengthening financial transparency across the spectrum (internal).

Please read here the Statement from FTC director

Conference Programme

Please register for this event here.


For any conference related inquiries, please get in touch with:
Sargon Nissan at
Sakshi Rai at

For media inquiries, please get in touch with:
Laura Diez Ron at


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