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Despite setback, civil society more motivated than ever
July 16th, 2015
PRESS RELEASE CSOs stand with developing countries that fought hard to deliver an intergovernmental body that could help create equitable tax rules  Although a small group of rich countries blocked a plan toward inclusiveness, the amount of pressure developing countries and civil society placed on the Financing for Development negotiations ensures that the spotlight will
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UNCTAD: multinational tax avoidance costs developing countries $100 billion+
April 15th, 2015
The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has just published a major new study on corporate tax in developing countries, which contains a wealth of new information analysis as well as some important headline numbers: notably that developing countries lost around $100 billion per year in revenues due to tax avoidance by multinational enterprises
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From the Atlantic to the Pacific, Civil Society Organizations across Africa Welcome AU Focus on Illicit Financial Flows
January 29th, 2015
ADDIS ABABA— As African leaders are meeting in  Addis Ababa to discuss growing threats from extremist groups, instability, and poverty, Heads of State are urged to give priority to  a growing threat to their economies: illicit financial flows. On Saturday, African Union Heads of State will review a report produced by the AU High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows, which has been chaired by Thabo Mbeki. The new report looks at the dire consequences of illicit financial outflows from Africa, estimated at US$50 billion per year, according to Global Financial Integrity (GFI) and the African Development Bank. “The fact that...
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