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Tax Us If You Can Why Africa Should Stand up for Tax Justice
January 15th, 2011
Tax is the foundation of all civilisations. The act of tracing tax policies and practices reveals the history of the relationship between the ruler and the ruled, state and citizen. In Africa this relationship can be traced back over millennia. For instance, Egypt’s famed Rosetta Stone, created in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic era, was an agreement granting a tax exemption to priests, and certain reductions to the military and other ruling classes, including traders approved by the king. it was an early example of the special privileges that continue to proliferate across the continent.
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Tapping the potential?: Procurement, tied aid and the use of country systems in Uganda
December 2nd, 2010
If poor countries are to break away from the clutches of poverty, it is important that the aid they currently receive from the international community is disbursed and used in the most effective ways possible. The European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) and the Uganda National Non-Governmental Organisations Forum (UNNGOF) have identifiedpublic procurement and aid agency procurement as key areas where progress can be made to render aid more effective.
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