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Levin Unveils Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act
July 12th, 2011
WASHINGTON – Stating that “Uncle Sam can’t afford offshore tax abuses that are robbing the Treasury of $100 billion in lost revenue yearly and increasing the tax burden on honest, hardworking Americans,” Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., together with cosponsors Senator Bill Nelson, Sanders, Shaheen, and Whitehouse, today introduced legislation to close offshore tax loopholes and strengthen offshore tax enforcement.
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The Isle of Man has now lost all the subsidy I said it enjoyed – my campaign on this issue is over
July 12th, 2011
When I first looked at the subsidy the UK gave to the Isle of Man through its VAT sharing agreement I came to the conclusion that the sum involved exceeded £200 million a year. In 2009 the UK government removed £140 million of that subsidy a year. Yesterday they announced intention to increase the withdrawal if subsidy to a total of £215 million a year – very close to the sum I first calculated.
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Liechtenstein reveals the weakness of the current European Savings Tax Directive
July 8th, 2011
Liechtenstein has just announced the latest sums it has collected under the terms of the European Savings Tax Directive. It was a measly €7.8 million.
Working backwards this is 20% tax on €40 million interest. Assuming 2% interest, this is tax on interest income on € 2 billion capital (which may seriously overstate the case: German bonds paying over 3% p.a.). Liechtenstein banks have € 140 billion assets under management.
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