March 27th, 2013
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) today praised the United Nations High-Level Panel (HLP) of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda for highlighting the need to tackle illicit financial flows and the role of tax havens as key to global development moving forward.
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March 22nd, 2013
WASHINGTON – Members of the Financial and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition support three amendments that take aim at abuse of corporate offshore tax havens that have been offered in the Senate Budget Resolution debate.
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March 20th, 2013
LONDON - Responding to the Chancellor’s Budget today, Christian Aid Director Loretta Minghella said:
‘Today, a 40 year-old promise to the world’s poorest was finally delivered. We congratulate the Government for ensuring that - even in challenging economic times – this country has done the right thing by the hundreds of millions of women and men around the world living in poverty.
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March 19th, 2013
LONDON - A new investigation by Global Witness today reveals the systemic corruption and illegality at the heart of government in Sarawak, Malaysia’s largest state. A film, shot undercover during the investigation, reveals for the first time the instruments used by members of the ruling Taib family and its local lawyers to skirt Malaysia’s laws and taxes, creaming off huge profits at the expense of indigenous people and hiding their dirty money in Singapore.
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