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Tax Haven Secrecy Worsening, Index Reveals
October 4th, 2011
LONDON – Policy makers are failing to live up to the pledges of the world’s most powerful nations to tackle tax haven secrecy, according to the latest findings of an index that analyses the contribution different jurisdictions make to this global threat.
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Combattre le système financier souterrain : un plan de travail pour le G20
September 30th, 2011
PARIS – La conférence annuelle de la « Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development » 1 se déroulera au Cercle National des Armées, à Paris, les 6 et 7 octobre prochains. En amont du G20 de Cannes, les participants analyseront les conséquences du système financier souterrain et présenteront les solutions à mettre en œuvre pour enrayer les flux financiers illicites. Les différentes sessions auront notamment pour thème le reporting pays par pays, l'identification des bénéficiaires réels des comptes, l'échange automatique d'informations fiscales, le lien entre blanchiment d'argent et évasion fiscale ...
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Immediate Reform Needed If Liberians Are To Profit From Potential Oil Finds, Report Shows
September 26th, 2011
LONDON/MONROVIA – Far-reaching reforms of Liberia’s oil sector are urgently needed if its population is to benefit from future oil discoveries, says a report released today by Global Witness (1) and the Liberian Oil and Gas Initiative (LOGI) (2). As the country heads to the polls in October, and with major oil companies such as US giant Chevron trying to find oil in Liberia, these reforms must be a priority for any new government.
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