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On Tax, Transparency, and What Should Come Next
June 1st, 2021
The FTC is proud to share this post from FTC Director Matti Kohonen, on taxes and personal income—and why much more transparency is needed.  Last month was Tax Day in America, and this is how much I paid – information that I believe should be made public.
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Congresistas y sociedad civil unidos contra la fuga, la evasión y el lavado – Por Carlos Bedoya y Adrián Falco Especial para NODAL
April 9th, 2019
La crisis política, económica y social abierta a nivel global en 2008 todavía no está cerrada.  Desde entonces se han registrado una serie de cambios geopolíticos que incluyen fracturas y modificaciones en la gobernanza global, especialmente en el ámbito de la tributación internacional identificada como uno de los principales retos mundiales. La necesidad de impulsar
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Developing countries are being undermined by rich nations' greed
January 2nd, 2014
Given impressive developments in the realm of financial transparency by the G20 in 2013, it would make sense to be optimistic for 2014. But perhaps this year’s G20 host, Australia, has yet to read the memo? According to a recent study Measuring OECD Responses to Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries, of the eight Financial Action Task Force recommendations related to customer due diligence and record-keeping by banks, Australia actually comes out worst of all OECD member countries, failing to comply with six of eight recommendations - and only partially complying with the other two! In an opinion piece for the...
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