March 5th, 2012
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the most sweeping financial law enacted since the Great Depression, is supposed to protect investors and shield the economy from bubbles and speculation. Its promise is hard to judge; many detailed rules are still being drafted. What can be said with confidence is that Dodd-Frank has been a boon for lobbyists.
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October 17th, 2011
VATICAN CITY (AP) – The president of the Vatican bank was effectively ousted Thursday after receiving a unanimous vote of no-confidence from bank overseers for having leaked documents and failed to do his job at a critical time in the Holy See's efforts to show transparency in its finances, the Vatican and officials said.
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October 12th, 2011
New Delhi: Paris-based think-tank OECD has mooted the idea of sending experts to developing countries, including India, to help in issues such as transfer pricing besides various bilateral taxation-related matters.
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September 26th, 2011
Consultants—including some with criminal pasts—are selling the gambling center as a haven from taxes and legal liability.
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