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#FTCDar2013 in The Guardian's Development Blog Today
September 30th, 2013
Greetings from Dar es Salaam! We’re still half a day away from the beginning the 2013 FTC Conference main program, and we’ve already seen a number of exciting developments. One big development: Semkae Kilonzo, Coordinator for Policy Forum, our partners for the conference in Dar, had a great blog post published at The Guardian this
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FACT Coalition (US) Seeks a Policy Analyst
September 13th, 2013
The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition is looking to hire a Policy Analyst. FTC, Global Financial Integrity, and Global Witness all work very closely with the FACT Coalition on legislation and policy to fulfill FTC's five recommendations.
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The Guardian: Tax avoidance 'not a legal duty'
September 10th, 2013
When accused of abusive tax avoidance, the first words out of a mouth of a large-company CEO are usually, "We have a fiduciary responsibility to our shareholders to avoid taxes." According to a new opinion from Farrer & Co, a major law firm in the UK, that may not be the case. The opinion, which applies only to the United Kingdom, states, "It is not possible to construe a director's statutory obligation to promote the success of the company as a positive duty to avoid tax." FTC Coordinating Committee member Tax Justice Network will be sending a letter to each...
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Taxcast Episode #20: August 2013
August 28th, 2013
In the August 2013 Taxcast: we look at why development money is being invested in developing countries via tax havens and the under-reported elements of the tensions between Spain and Britain over the territory of Gibraltar. Also: tax and the environment – making the polluter pay instead of paying the polluter: the Taxcast investigates the Carbon Tax in British Columbia, Canada.
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