July 25th, 2016
Anonymous companies are entities that are used to disguise the identity of their true beneficial owner (BO) —the person (or people) who ultimately control or profit from a company. Right now, there are only a handful of countries where you have to register BO information of a company, and even fewer where this information is
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July 21st, 2016
Almost exactly a year ago at the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa, a small group of rich countries blocked the United Nationsfrom taking on a larger role in the fight against global tax abuse. Now, at the one year anniversary mark, the same story seems to be unfolding yet again.
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July 19th, 2016
It’s been four years since the last United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and in that time we’ve seen the issue of illicit financial flows (IFF) take on a growing role in how we talk about financing development. Whether it’s estimates from Global Financial Integrity that put the amount lost by developing countries
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July 13th, 2016
How much is tax collection dependent on the policies of one individual country? When discussing tax policy a common tendency used to be to treat it as an exclusively domestic policy matter, one to which only the prerogatives and obligations of the State where the respective taxes are to be collected are relevant. Reality could
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