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It’s about to get harder to hide money in the UK
November 14th, 2016
In case you were distracted by other world events on Tuesday night, I appeared on Radio 4’s File on 4to talk about the problem of dirty money and dodgy people finding their way into the UK.  If you missed it, you can listen here, and it’s playing again on Sunday at 5pm.
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An urgent call to Congress: Ask the government to know who it does business with to protect us all
October 28th, 2016
The U.S. government has long recognized that it does not have enough information on the identities of its contractors – those that help protect our national security, provide medical and educational services, and build infrastructure.   “here is no database in the U.S. government” that provides reliable subcontractor information. -Ray DiNunzio, Special Investigator General for Afghanistan
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New research shows how open data can help curb illicit financial flows
October 5th, 2016
Technology has the power to change the way we understand our world. And this is no different for illicit financial flows. While more and more data is making its way to the public (due to increased financial transparency requirements), it’s important that standards are in place to make data analysis as streamlined and uniform as possible. If information
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