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The Financial Transparency Coalition joint response to OECD consultation on the 2020 Review of Country-by-Country Reporting
March 9th, 2020
Last Friday, March 6, the Financial Transparency Coalition together with other civil society organisations, submitted a joint response to OECD. A letter was submitted to respond to the OECD public consultation document on the 2020 Review of Country-by-Country Reporting (BEPS Action 13). The submission letter was signed by: Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD-11.11.11)
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Statement from the FTC director concerning the 8th FTC Conference
February 25th, 2020
A statement about the 8th FTC Conference’ in Bangkok on 1st and 2nd April ‘From Boiling Point to Turning Point’: Given continued concerns about the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and associated logistical challenges it has posed in organizing our forthcoming conference, the Financial Transparency Coalition has taken the decision that we cannot proceed as planned with
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